Entity Documentation - minecraft:anger_level

minecraft:anger_level compels the entity to track anger towards a set of nuisances.


Name Default Value Type Description
anger_decrement_interval 1.00 Decimal Anger level will decay over time. Defines how often anger towards all nuisances will decrease by one
angry_boost 20 Positive Integer Anger boost applied to angry threshold when the entity gets angry
angry_threshold 80 Positive Integer Defines when the entity is considered angry at a nuisance
default_annoyingness 0 Integer Specifies the amount to raise anger level with each provocation
default_projectile_annoyingness 0 Integer Specifies the amount to raise anger level with each projectile hit
max_anger 100 Positive Integer The maximum anger level that can be reached. Applies to any nuisance
nuisance_filter Minecraft Filter Filter that is applied to determine if a mob can be a nuisance
on_increase_sounds [condition, sound] Array Sounds to play when the entity is getting provoked. Evaluated in order; the first matching condition wins
remove_targets_below_angry_threshold true Boolean Defines if the entity should remove target if it falls below 'angry' threshold

Vanilla entities example


"minecraft:anger_level": {
  "max_anger": 150,
  "angry_threshold": 80,
  "remove_targets_below_angry_threshold": true,
  "angry_boost": 20,
  "anger_decrement_interval": 1.0,
  "default_annoyingness": 35,
  "default_projectile_annoyingness":  10,
  "on_increase_sounds": [
      { "sound": "listening_angry", "condition" : "query.anger_level(this) >= 40" },
      { "sound": "listening", "condition" : "query.anger_level(this) >= 0" }
  "nuisance_filter": {
  "all_of": [
      { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "operator": "not", "value": "warden" },
      { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "operator": "not", "value": "inanimate" }

Vanilla entities using minecraft:anger_level