Entity Documentation - minecraft:angry

minecraft:angry defines the entity's 'angry' state using a timer.


Name Default Value Type Description
angry_sound not set String The sound event to play when the entity is angry
broadcast_anger false Boolean If true, other entities of the same entity definition within the broadcastRange will also become angry
broadcast_anger_on_attack false Boolean If true, other entities of the same entity definition within the broadcastRange will also become angry whenever this entity attacks
broadcast_anger_on_being_attacked false Boolean If true, other entities of the same entity definition within the broadcastRange will also become angry whenever this entity is attacked
broadcast_filters not set Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
broadcast_range 20 Integer Distance in blocks where other entities of the same entity definition will become angry
broadcast_targets List A list of entity families to broadcast anger to
duration 25 Integer The amount of time in seconds that the entity will be angry
duration_delta 0 Integer Variance in seconds added to the duration [-delta, delta]
filters Minecraft Filter Filter out mob types that should not be attacked while the entity is angry (other Piglins)
sound_interval 0 Range [a, b] The range of time in seconds to wait before playing the angry_sound again


    "angry_sound": "bark",
    "broadcast_anger": false,
    "broadcast_anger_on_attack": true,
    "broadcast_range": 10,
    "duration" : 100,
    "calm_event": {
        "event": "minecraft:on_calm",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:angry": {
    "duration": 10,
    "duration_delta": 3,
    "calm_event": {
        "event": "minecraft:become_calm",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities using minecraft:angry