Entity Documentation - minecraft:balloonable

minecraft:balloonable allows the entity to have a balloon attached and defines the conditions and events for the entity when is ballooned.


Name Default Value Type Description
soft_distance 2.0 Decimal Distance in blocks where the 'spring' effect lifts the entity.
max_distance 10.0 Decimal Distance in blocks where the balloon breaks.
on_balloon not set String Event to call when the entity is ballooned.
on_unballoon not set String Event to call when the entity is unballooned.
mass 1.0 Decimal Mass that the entity has when computing balloon pull forces.


"minecraft:balloonable": {
    "max_distance": 10.0,
    "soft_distance": 2.0

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:balloonable": {
    "mass": 0.6

Vanilla entities using minecraft:balloonable