Entity Documentation - minecraft:celebrate_hunt

minecraft:celebrate_hunt compels an entity to celebrate when hunting a specific entity.


Name Default Value Type Description
broadcast true Boolean If true, celebration will be broadcasted to other entities in the radius.
celebration_targets not set Minecraft Filter The list of conditions that the target of a hunt must satisfy to initiate celebration.
celebrate_sound not set String The sound event to play when the mob is celebrating
duration 4 Integer Duration, in seconds, of celebration
radius 16 Decimal If broadcast is enabled, specifies the radius in which it will notify other entities for celebration.
sound_interval 0 Range [a, b] The range of time in seconds to wait before playing the sound again


    "broadcast": true,
    "celebration_targets": {
            "all_of": [
                "test": "is_family",
                "value": "cow"
    "celebrate_sound": "celebrate",
    "duration": 4,
    "radius": 16.0,
    "sound_interval": {
            "range_min": 1.0,
            "range_max": 5.0

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:celebrate_hunt": {
    "celebration_targets": {
    "all_of": [
        "test": "is_family",
        "value": "hoglin"
    "broadcast": true,
    "duration": 10,
    "celebrate_sound": "celebrate",
    "sound_interval": {
        "range_min": 2.0,
        "range_max": 5.0
    "radius": 16

Vanilla entities using minecraft:celebrate_hunt