Entity Documentation - minecraft:custom_hit_test

minecraft:custom_hit_test defines a list of hitboxes for melee and ranged hits against the entity.


Name Default Value Type Description
hitboxes not set Array Comma-separated array of hitboxes.


hitboxes is an array defined by two parameters. Each item has the following properties:

Name Default Value Type Description
height not set Decimal Height of the hitbox in blocks. A negative value will be assumed to be 0.
width not set Decimal Width and Depth of the hitbox in blocks. A negative value will be assumed to be 0.
pivot not set Vector [a,b,c] The offset from the entity's anchor where the hitbox will spawn


    "hitboxes": [
        "width": 1.0,
        "height": 1.0,
        "pivot": [ 0, 0, 0 ]

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:custom_hit_test": {
    "hitboxes": [
            "width": 1.0,
            "height": 0.85,
            "pivot": [ 0, 0.5, 0 ]

Vanilla entities using minecraft:custom_hit_test