Entity Documentation - minecraft:dweller

minecraft:dweller compels an entity to join and migrate between villages and other dwellings.


Name Default Value Type Description
dwelling_type not_set String The type of dwelling the entity wishes to join. Current Types: village
dweller_role not set String The role of which the entity plays in the dwelling. Current Roles: inhabitant, defender, hostile, passive.
update_interval_base not set Decimal How often the entity checks on their dwelling status in ticks. Positive values only.
update_interval_variant not set Decimal The variant value in ticks that will be added to the update_interval_base.
can_find_poi not set Boolean Whether or not the entity can find and add POIs to the dwelling.
first_founding_reward not set Integer Determines how much reputation players are rewarded on first founding.
can_migrate not set Boolean Determines whether the entity can migrate between dwellings, or only have its initial dwelling.
dwelling_bounds_tolerance not set Float A padding distance for checking if the entity is within the dwelling.
preferred_profession not set String Allows the user to define a starting profession for this particular Dweller, instead of letting them choose organically. (They still need to gain experience from trading before this takes effect.)


"minecraft:dweller": {
    "dwelling_type": "village",
    "dweller_role": "inhabitant",
    "preferred_profession": "toolsmith",
    "update_interval_base": 60,
    "update_interval_variant": 40,
    "can_find_poi": true,
    "can_migrate": true,
    "first_founding_reward": 5

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:dweller": {
    "dwelling_type": "  ",
    "dweller_role": "inhabitant",
    "preferred_profession": "farmer",
    "update_interval_base": 60,
    "update_interval_variant": 40,
    "can_find_poi": true,
    "can_migrate": true,
    "first_founding_reward": 5

Vanilla entities using minecraft:dweller