Entity Documentation - minecraft:healable

minecraft:healable defines the interactions with the entity for healing it.


Name Default Value Type Description
filters not set Minecraft Filter The filter group that defines conditions for using this item to heal the entity.
force_use False Boolean Determines if an item can be used regardless of entity being at full health.
items not set Array The array of items that can be used to heal the entity.


items is an array defined by two parameters. Each item has the following properties:

Name Default Value Type Description
heal_amount 1 Integer The amount of health the entity gains when fed this item.
item not set String Item identifier that can be used to heal the entity.


    "filters": {"test": "has_damage", "value": "fatal"} ,
    "force_use": false,
    "items": [
        "heal_amount": 1,
        "item": "carrot"

Vanilla entities examples


 "minecraft:healable": {
        "items": [
            "item": "porkchop",
            "heal_amount": 3
            "item": "cooked_porkchop",
            "heal_amount": 8
            "item": "fish",
            "heal_amount": 2
            "item": "salmon",
            "heal_amount": 2
            "item": "clownfish",
            "heal_amount": 1
            "item": "pufferfish",
            "heal_amount": 1
            "item": "cooked_fish",
            "heal_amount": 5
            "item": "cooked_salmon",
            "heal_amount": 6
            "item": "beef",
            "heal_amount": 3
            "item": "cooked_beef",
            "heal_amount": 8
            "item": "chicken",
            "heal_amount": 2
            "item": "cooked_chicken",
            "heal_amount": 6
            "item": "muttonRaw",
            "heal_amount": 2
            "item": "muttonCooked",
            "heal_amount": 6
            "item": "rotten_flesh",
            "heal_amount": 4
            "item": "rabbit",
            "heal_amount": 3
            "item": "cooked_rabbit",
            "heal_amount": 5
            "item": "rabbit_stew",
            "heal_amount": 10

Vanilla entities using minecraft:healable