Entity Documentation - minecraft:interact

minecraft:interact is a list of interactions that can be used with an entity.


Name Default Value Type Description
add_items JSON Object Loot table with items to add to the player's inventory upon successful interaction.
cooldown 0.0 Decimal Time in seconds before this entity can be interacted with again.
cooldown_after_being_attacked 0.0 Decimal Time in seconds before this entity can be interacted with after being attacked.
drop_item_slot -- String The slot to remove and drop the item from, if any, upon successful interaction. Inventory slots are denoted by positive numbers; Armor slots are denoted by slot.armor.head, slot.armor.chest, slot.armor.legs, and slot.armor.feet.
equip_item_slot -- String The slot to equip the item to, if any, upon successful interaction. Inventory slots are denoted by positive numbers; Armor slots are denoted by slot.armor.head, slot.armor.chest, slot.armor.legs, and slot.armor.feet.
health_amount 0 Integer The amount of health this entity will recover or lose when interacting with this item. Negative values will harm the entity.
hurt_item 0 Integer The amount of damage the item will take when used to interact with this entity. A value of 0 means the item won't lose durability.
interact_text not set String Text to show while playing with touch-screen controls when the player is able to interact in this way with this entity.
on_interact not set JSON object Events to initiate when the interaction occurs.
particle_on_start not set JSON Object Particle effect that will be initiated at the start of the interaction.
play_sounds not set String One or more sound identifiers to play when the interaction occurs.
repair_entity_item -- JSON object Allows the repair of a given entity's item.
spawn_entities not set String Entity to spawn when the interaction occurs.
spawn_items not set JSON Object Loot table with items to drop on the ground upon successful interaction.
swing false Boolean If true, the player will do the 'swing' animation when interacting with this entity.
transform_to_item not set String The item used will transform to this item upon successful interaction. Format: itemName:auxValue
use_item false Boolean If true, the interaction will use an item.
vibration entity_interact String Vibration to emit when the interaction occurs. Admitted values are entity_interact (used by default), shear, and none (no vibration emitted).


add_items is a JSON object defined by one parameter. Each item has the following properties:

Name Default Value Type Description
table not set String File path, relative to the Behavior Pack's path, to the loot table file.


particle_on_start is a JSON object defined by three parameters. Each item has the following properties:

Name Default Value Type Description
particle_offset_towards_interactor False Boolean Whether or not the particle will appear closer to who performed the interaction.
particle_type not set String Name of the particle system to run
particle_y_offset 0.0 Decimal Vertical offset of the particle system


spawn_items is a JSON object defined by one parameter. Each item has the following properties:

Type Name Default Value Description
table not set String File path, relative to the Behavior Pack's path, to the loot table file.


"minecraft:interact": {
    "interactions": [
            "on_interact": {
                "filters": {
                    "all_of": [
                            "test": "is_family",
                            "subject": "other",
                            "value": "player"
                            "test": "has_equipment",
                            "domain": "hand",
                            "subject": "other",
                            "value": "bucket:0"
            "add_items": {
                "table": "loot_tables/gameplay/entities/cow_milking.json"
            "cooldown": 0.0,
            "cooldown_after_being_attacked": 0.0,
            "hurt_item": 0,
            "particle_on_start": {
                "particle_type": "smoke",
                "particle_y_offset": 0.25,
                "particle_offset_towards_interactor": true
            "swing": true,
            "use_item": true,
            "transform_to_item": "bucket:1",
            "play_sounds": "milk",
            "interact_text": "action.interact.milk",
            "spawn_entities": "minecraft:cow_adult",
            "spawn_items": {
                "table": "loot_tables/entities/cow.json"

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:interact": {
          "interactions": [
              "on_interact": {
                "filters": {
                  "all_of": [
                      "test": "has_component",
                      "subject": "self",
                      "operator": "!=",
                      "value": "minecraft:is_baby"
                      "test": "is_family",
                      "subject": "other",
                      "value": "player"
                      "test": "has_equipment",
                      "domain": "hand",
                      "subject": "other",
                      "value": "bucket:0"
              "use_item": true,
              "transform_to_item": "bucket:1",
              "play_sounds": "milk_suspiciously",
              "interact_text": "action.interact.milk"

Vanilla entities using minecraft:interact