Entity Documentation - minecraft:lookat

minecraft:lookat defines the behavior when another entity looks at this entity.


Name Default Value Type Description
allow_invulnerable False Boolean If true, invulnerable entities (e.g. Players in creative mode) are considered valid targets.
filters not set Minecraft Filter Defines the entities that can trigger this component.
look_cooldown [0, 0] Range [a, b] The range for the random amount of time during which the entity is 'cooling down' and won't get angered or look for a target.
look_event not set String The event identifier to run when the entities specified in filters look at this entity.
search_radius 10 Decimal Maximum distance this entity will look for another entity looking at it.
set_target True Boolean If true, this entity will set the attack target as the entity that looked at it.


    "allow_invulnerable": false,
    "filters": {"test": "has_target"}  ,
    "look_cooldown": [0, 0],
    "look_event": "minecraft:get_angry" ,
    "search_radius": 10,
    "set_target": true,

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:lookat": {
        "search_radius": 64.0,
        "set_target": true,
        "look_cooldown": 5.0,
        "filters": {
          "all_of": [
              "subject": "other",
              "test": "is_family",
              "value": "player"
              "test": "has_equipment",
              "domain": "head",
              "subject": "other",
              "operator": "not",
              "value": "carved_pumpkin"

Vanilla entities using minecraft:lookat