Entity Documentation - minecraft:mob_effect

minecraft:mob_effect applies a mob effect to entities that get within range.


Name Default Value Type Description
cooldown_time 0 Integer Time in seconds to wait between each application of the effect.
entity_filter not set Minecraft Filter The set of entities that are valid to apply the mob effect to.
effect_range 0.2 Decimal How close a hostile entity must be to have the mob effect applied.
effect_time 10 Integer How long in seconds the applied mob effect lasts.
mob_effect not set String The mob effect that is applied to entities that enter this entity's effect range.


    "entity_filter": { "test": "has_damage", "subject": "self", "operator": "not", "value": "poison" },
    "effect_range": 0.2,
    "effect_time": 10,
    "mob_effect": "poison"

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:mob_effect": {
          "effect_range": 0.2,
          "mob_effect": "poison",
          "effect_time": 10,
          "entity_filter": {
            "any_of": [
              { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "value": "player" },
              { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "value": "monster" }

Vanilla entities using minecraft:mob_effect