Entity Documentation - minecraft:target_nearby_sensor

minecraft:target_nearby_sensor defines the entity's range within which it can see or sense other entities to target them.


Name Default Value Type Description
inside_range 1 Decimal Maximum distance in blocks that another entity will be considered in the 'inside' range
must_see False Boolean Whether the other entity needs to be visible to trigger 'inside' events
on_inside_range not set JSON Object Event to call when an entity gets in the inside range. Can specify 'event' for the name of the event and 'target' for the target of the event
on_outside_range not set JSON Object Event to call when an entity gets in the outside range. Can specify 'event' for the name of the event and 'target' for the target of the event
on_vision_lost_inside_range not set JSON Object Event to call when an entity exits visual range. Can specify 'event' for the name of the event and 'target' for the target of the event
outside_range 5 Decimal Maximum distance in blocks that another entity will be considered in the 'outside' range


"minecraft:target_nearby_sensor": {
    "inside_range": 1,
    "must_see": false,
    "on_inside_range": {
        "event": "minecraft:i_see_you",
        "target": "self"
    "on_outside_range": {
        "event": "minecraft:where_did_you_go",
        "target": "self"
    "on_vision_lost_inside_range": {
        "event": "minecraft:ill_find_you",
        "target": "self"
    "outside_range": 5

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:target_nearby_sensor": {
        "inside_range": 2.5,
        "outside_range": 6.0,
        "must_see": true,
        "on_inside_range": {
          "event": "minecraft:start_exploding",
          "target": "self"
        "on_outside_range": {
          "event": "minecraft:stop_exploding",
          "target": "self"
        "on_vision_lost_inside_range": {
            "event": "minecraft:stop_exploding",
            "target": "self"

Vanilla entities using minecraft:target_nearby_sensor