Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.find_mount

minecraft:behavior.find_mount compels an entity to find another entity to mount.


Name Default Value Type Description
avoid_water false Boolean If true, the mob will not go into water blocks when going towards a mount.
mount_distance -1.0 Decimal This is the distance the mob needs to be, in blocks, from the desired mount to mount it. If the value is below 0, the mob will use its default attack distance.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
start_delay 0 Integer Time the mob will wait before starting to move towards the mount.
target_needed false Boolean If true, the mob will only look for a mount if it has a target.
within_radius 0.0 Decimal Distance in blocks within which the mob will look for a mount.


    "priority": 2,
    "within_radius": 16,
    "avoid_water": true,
    "start_delay": 100,
    "target_needed": false,
    "mount_distance": 2.0

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.find_mount": {
          "priority": 1,
          "within_radius": 16

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.find_mount