Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.trade_interest

minecraft:behavior.trade_interest compels an entity to focus on a player that will initiate a trade.


Name Default Value Type Description
carried_item_switch_time 2.0 Decimal The max time in seconds that the trader will hold an item before attempting to switch for a different item that takes the same trade.
cooldown 2.0 Decimal The time in seconds before the trader can use this goal again.
interest_time 45.0 Decimal The max time in seconds that the trader will be interested with showing its trade items.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
remove_item_time 1.0 Decimal The max time in seconds that the trader will wait when you no longer have items to trade.
within_radius 0.0 Decimal Distance in blocks this mob can be interested by a player holding an item they like.


    "priority": 1,
    "carried_item_switch_time": 3.0,
    "cooldown": 5.0,
    "interest_time": 30.0,
    "remove_item_time": 1.0,
    "within_radius": 8

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.trade_interest": {
          "priority": 3,
          "within_radius": 6.0,
          "interest_time": 45.0,
          "remove_item_time": 1.0,
          "carried_item_switch_time": 2.0,
          "cooldown": 2.0

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.trade_interest