Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.wither_target_highest_damage

minecraft:behavior.wither_target_highest_damage compels an entity to focus its attacks on whichever hostile mob has dealt the most damage to it.


This behavior can only be used by the wither entity type.


Name Default Value Type Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types the wither takes into account to find who dealt the most damage to it (Please see entity_types' definition page).
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
cooldown 0.0 Decimal The amount of time in seconds that the mob has to wait before selecting a target of the same type again.
filters not set Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist 16 Decimal Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
must_see false Boolean If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration 3.0 Decimal Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
reevaluate_description false Boolean If true, the mob will stop being targeted if it stops meeting any conditions.
sprint_speed_multiplier 1.0 Decimal Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
walk_speed_multiplier 1.0 Decimal Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged


    "priority": 3

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.wither_target_highest_damage": {
        "priority": 1

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.wither_target_highest_damage