Entity Documentation - int_property

Returns true when the int actor property matches the value provided.


Name Default Value Type Description
domain self String (Required) The property name to look for.
operator equals String (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
subject self String (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
value not set Integer (Required) An integer value.


Options Description
!= Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
<> Test for inequality.
= Test for equality.
== Test for equality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.



{ "test": "int_property", "subject": "self", "domain": "minecraft:can_climb", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)

{ "test": "int_property", "domain": "minecraft:can_climb", "value": "0" }

Vanilla entity examples

No entities currently use int_property

Vanilla entities using int_property

No entities currently use int_property