Entity Documentation - is_waterlogged


Tests if the subject block is submerged in water.


Name Default Value Type Description
operator equals String (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.


Options Description
block The block involved with the interaction.
damager The damaging entity involved with the interaction.
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
self The entity or object calling the test
target The caller's current target.


Options Description
!= Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
<> Test for inequality.
= Test for equality.
== Test for equality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.



{ "test": "is_waterlogged", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..

{ "test": "is_waterlogged", "value": "true" }