Features Documentation - Feature List

Below is a list of all the available Features within Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for use within JSON files.


To learn more about Features within Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please visit Introduction to Features

List of Features

Name Description
minecraft:aggregate_feature A collection of features in an arbitrary order.
minecraft:cave_carver_feature Carves a cave through the world in the current chunk, and in every chunk around the current chunk in an 8 radial pattern.
minecraft:fossil_feature Generates a skeletal structure composed of bone blocks and parametric ore blocks.
minecraft:geode_feature Generates a rock formation to simulate a geode.
minecraft:growing_plant_feature Places a growing plant in the world.
minecraft:multiface_feature Places one or a few multiface blocks on floors/walls/ceilings.
minecraft:nether_cave_carver_feature Carves a cave through the Nether in the current chunk, and in every chunk around the current chunk in an 8 radial pattern.
minecraft:ore_feature Places a vein of blocks to simulate ore deposits.
minecraft:partially_exposed_blob_feature generates a blob of the specified block with the specified dimensions. For the most part, the blob is embedded in the specified surface, however a single side is allowed to be exposed.
minecraft:scatter_feature Scatters a feature throughout a chunk.
minecraft:search_feature Sweeps a volume searching for a valid placement location for its referenced feature.
minecraft:sequence_feature A collection of features sequentially, in the order they appear in data.
minecraft:single_block_feature Places a single block in the world.
minecraft:snap_to_surface_feature snaps the y-value of a feature placement pos to the floor or the ceiling within the provided vertical_search_range.
minecraft:structure_template_feature Places a structure in the world. The structure must be stored as a .mcstructure file in the "structures" subdirectory of a behavior pack.
minecraft:tree_feature Places a tree in the world.
minecraft:underwater_cave_carver_feature Carves a cave through the world in the current chunk, and in every chunk around the current chunk in an 8-block radial pattern.
minecraft:vegetation_patch_feature Scatters vegetation in an area.
minecraft:weighted_random_feature Randomly selects and places a feature based on a weight value.