Features Documentation - minecraft:fossil_feature

minecraft:fossil_feature generates a skeletal structure composed of bone blocks and parametric ore blocks.

Succeeds if The fossil is placed.

Fails if The fossil is not placed because it overlaps with another structure or because its bounding box has too many corners occupied by air or fluid.


object "minecraft:fossil_feature" : opt
  object "description"
  string "identifier" // The name of this feature in the form 'namespace_name:feature_name'. 'feature_name' must match the filename.
  int "max_empty_corners"


Fossil composed of bone blocks and coal ore blocks

     "format_version": "1.16.0",
     "minecraft:fossil_feature": {
      "description": {
       "identifier": "minecraft:fossil_feature"
      "ore_block": "minecraft:coal_ore",
      "max_empty_corners": 4