Item Documentation - description

description is a list of characters representing an item. The description MUST contain an identifier; other fields are optional.


Name Default Value Type Description
identifier not set String The identifier for this item; must include a namespace. The 'Minecraft' namespace must not be used, unless overriding a Vanilla item.
menu_category not set JSON object The creative group name and category for this item.

The menu_category parameter details the creative group name and category for an item, and has three parameters of its own:

Name Default Value Type Description
category items String The creative category that this item belongs to. Options include "construction", "nature", "equipment", "items", and "none"
group -- String The creative group that this item belongs to. Group name is limited to 256 characters.
is_hidden_in_commands -- Boolean Determines whether or not this item can be used with commands. Commands can use items by default.


  "format_version": "1.20.20",  
  "minecraft:item": {  
    "description": {  
      "identifier": "minecraft:blaze_rod",  
      "menu_category": {  
        "group": "",  
        "category": "equipment", 
        "is_hidden_in_commands": true 
    "components": {  
      "minecraft:fuel": {  
        "duration": 120.0  
      "minecraft:max_stack_size": 64,  
      "minecraft:icon": {  
        "texture": "blaze_rod"  
      "minecraft:hand_equipped": true,  
      "minecraft:display_name": {  
        "value": "Blaze Rod"  