Recipe Documentation - Furnace Recipe

Represents a recipe that is to be used with a furnace. Input items will burn and transform into items specified in output.


Name Type Description
input item names Items used as input for the furnace recipe. data is used to specify the data value of a block or item to an exact id, if the item has variations. count is the quantity of the item being input.
output item names Items used as output for the furnace recipe.
tags String array Item that can create the furnace recipe, such as "furnace".

Furnace Recipe Example

"format_version": "1.17",
"minecraft:recipe_furnace": {
    "description": {
        "identifier": "minecraft:furnace_beef"
    "tags": ["furnace", "smoker", "campfire", "soul_campfire"],
    "input": {
        "item": "minecraft:beef",
        "data": 0,
        "count": 4
    "output ": "minecraft:cooked_beef"

Vanilla Example


  "format_version": "1.12",
  "minecraft:recipe_furnace": {
    "description": {
    "identifier": "minecraft:furnace_cobblestone"

    "tags": ["furnace"],
    "input": "minecraft:cobblestone",
    "output": "minecraft:stone"