TitleDisplayOptions Interface

Contains additional options for displaying a title and optional subtitle.



fadeInDuration: number;

Fade-in duration for the title and subtitle, in ticks. There are 20 ticks per second. Use @minecraft/server.TicksPerSecond constant to convert between ticks and seconds.

Type: number


fadeOutDuration: number;

Fade-out time for the title and subtitle, in ticks. There are 20 ticks per second. Use @minecraft/server.TicksPerSecond constant to convert between ticks and seconds.

Type: number


stayDuration: number;

Amount of time for the title and subtitle to stay in place, in ticks. There are 20 ticks per second. Use @minecraft/server.TicksPerSecond constant to convert between ticks and seconds.

Type: number


subtitle?: (RawMessage | string)[] | RawMessage | string;

Optional subtitle text.

Type: (RawMessage | string)[] | RawMessage | string