Use nightly builds


This project is an experimental release. We hope you try out Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings and provide feedback at

Nightly builds of Mobile Blazor Bindings enable you to use the absolute latest updates in your project. These changes are not yet part of an official release, which might mean that they are less polished and less tested.

If you're using official releases (including previews) from, this step is not needed.

If you want to use the most recent build of Mobile Blazor Bindings, read ahead.

Add a nuget.config file for nightly feed

The easiest way to access nightly builds of Mobile Blazor Bindings is with a nuget.config file. This file tells NuGet clients such as Visual Studio and the dotnet command where to find packages. Typically this file is located in the root of your project's repository so that its settings are available to all solutions and projects in the repository.

  1. In the root of your project's repository create a file named nuget.config


    The case of the file must be one of the following: nuget.config, NuGet.config, or NuGet.Config. This ensures that the file will be found on all operating systems and file systems.

  2. Set the file's contents to:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="mobileblazorbindings-nightly" value="" />


If the configuration file already exists, just add the <add ... /> tag to the end of the list of package sources.

Browse the nightly feed

To browse the feed and see which packages are available, navigate to the mobileblazorbindings-nightly package feed

More information

To learn more about NuGet configuration settings, refer to these resources: