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nuget.org protocols

To interact with nuget.org, clients need to follow certain protocols. Because these protocols keep evolving, clients must identify the protocol version they use when calling specific nuget.org APIs. This allows nuget.org to introduce changes in a non-breaking way for the old clients.


The APIs documented on this page are specific to nuget.org and there is no expectation for other NuGet server implementations to introduce these APIs.

For information about the NuGet API implemented broadly across the NuGet ecosystem, see the API overview.

This topic lists various protocols as and when they come to existence.

NuGet protocol version 4.1.0

The 4.1.0 protocol specifies usage of verify-scope keys to interact with services other than nuget.org, to validate a package against a nuget.org account. Note that the 4.1.0 version number is an opaque string but happens to coincide with the first version of the official NuGet client that supported this protocol.

Validation ensures that the user-created API keys are used only with nuget.org, and that other verification or validation from a third-party service is handled through a one-time use verify-scope keys. These verify-scope keys can be used to validate that the package belongs to a particular user (account) on nuget.org.

Client requirement

Clients are required to pass the following header when they make API calls to push packages to nuget.org:

X-NuGet-Protocol-Version: 4.1.0

Note that the X-NuGet-Client-Version header has similar semantics but is reserved to only be used by the official NuGet client. Third party clients should use the X-NuGet-Protocol-Version header and value.

The push protocol itself is described in the documentation for the PackagePublish resource.

If a client interacts with external services and needs to validate whether a package belongs to a particular user (account), it should use the following protocol and use the verify-scope keys and not the API keys from nuget.org.

API to request a verify-scope key

This API is used to get a verify-scope key for a nuget.org author to validate a package owned by him/her.

POST api/v2/package/create-verification-key/{ID}/{VERSION}

Request parameters

Name In Type Required Notes
ID URL string yes The package identidier for which the verify scope key is requested
VERSION URL string no The package version
X-NuGet-ApiKey Header string yes For example, X-NuGet-ApiKey: {USER_API_KEY}


    "Key": "{Verify scope key from nuget.org}",
    "Expires": "{Date}"

API to verify the verify scope key

This API is used to validate a verify-scope key for package owned by the nuget.org author.

GET api/v2/verifykey/{ID}/{VERSION}

Request parameters

Name In Type Required Notes
ID URL string yes The package identifier for which the verify scope key is requested
VERSION URL string no The package version
X-NuGet-ApiKey Header string yes For example, X-NuGet-ApiKey: {VERIFY_SCOPE_KEY}


This verify scope API key expires in a day's time or on first use, whichever occurs first.


Status Code Meaning
200 The API key is valid
403 The API key is invalid or not authorized to push against the package
404 The package referred to by ID and VERSION (optional) does not exist