Define spatial properties

Using Spatial in OData services involves two parts of work:

  • Define structural properties of spatial type in entity data models;
  • Create and return spatial instances as property values in services.

This section shows how to define spatial properties in entity data models using EdmLib APIs. We will continue to use and extend the sample from the EdmLib sections.

Add properties GeometryLoc and GeographyLoc

In the SampleModelBuilder.cs file, insert the following code into the SampleModelBuilder.BuildAddressType() method:

namespace EdmLibSample
    public class SampleModelBuilder
        public SampleModelBuilder BuildAddressType()
            _model = new EdmModel();
            var _addressType = new EdmComplexType("test", "Address");
            _addressType.AddStructuralProperty("Postcode", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32);
#region     !!!INSERT THE CODE BELOW!!!
            _addressType.AddStructuralProperty("GeometryLoc", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryPoint);
            _addressType.AddStructuralProperty("GeographyLoc", new EdmSpatialTypeReference(EdmCoreModel.Instance.GetPrimitiveType(EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyPoint), true, 1234));
            return this;

This code:

  • Adds a default Edm.GeometryPoint property GeometryLoc to the Address type;
  • Adds an Edm.GeographyPoint property GeographyLoc with a type facet Srid=1234 to the Address type.

Run the sample

Build and run the sample. Then open the csdl.xml file under the output directory. The content of csdl.xml should look like the following:
