Support policy for official .NET OData libraries

Applies To:# OData Web API 8 supportedGreen circle with a checkmark inside it. OData Web API v8# OData WebApi v7 for aspnet webapi supported Green circle with a checkmark inside it. OData AspNet WebApi V7# OData core lib v7 supportedOData core lib v7 supported OData Core Lib V7

This guide documents official support policy for official OData libraries for .NET distributed by Microsoft.

Supported releases are patched for security and other critical bugs and may receive new features. Only the latest minor and patch of a given release is supported. For example, for Microsoft.OData.Core 7 release, only the latest 7.x.y release is supported. Customers are encouraged to always use the latest patch of a given release. In case issues are encountered, the first step should generally be to update to the latest version of that major release.

Throughout this document, the use of the term release is tied to the major version. When we say that we support this release, it means we can ship changes to this package under the same major version, but potentially different minor or patch version. That is to say, if version 7 of a library is actively supported, and the latest version is 7.2.1, we can ship new version such as 7.2.2 or 7.3.0. If it is out of support, it means we'll not release a new 7.x version.

Major version updates (for example from Microsoft.OData.Core 7 to Microsoft.OData.Core 8) often have breaking changes. Thorough testing is advised when updating across major versions. Use the relevant migration guides for guidance on dealing with breaking changes.

Minor version updates do not typically contain breaking changes. However, thorough testing is still advised since new features can introduce regressions. When regressions are detected, they may be rolled back in a subsequent minor or patch release. In the event of an accidental breaking change, we will deprecate the package version, specify an alternate version, and unlist the package version from NuGet.

Support phases

A major release will go through the following support phases:

  • Preview mode: Before a new major version is officially released, pre-release versions are published to public to allow people to assess the product and share feedback or point out flaws. Pre-release software may contain critical bugs. Additionally, we can make breaking changes during the preview phase of a release. As a result, preview releases are not recommended in production. This phase includes preview releases, alpha releases, beta releases and release candidates.
  • Active support: The release is in active development, receives security patches, bug fixes and feature updates.
  • Maintenance mode: The release will receive security patches and critical bug fixes only . A release will be in maintenance mode at least 6 months before entering End of Life.
  • End of Life: The release is out of support. While it may be available for download, it will not receive any new updates, including security patches. Microsoft will provide a minimum of 12 months notification before an OData library goes out of support.

OData.NET libraries

OData.NET libraries in this context refer to Microsoft.OData.Core, Microsoft.OData.Edm, Microsoft.Spatial and Microsoft.OData.Client.

Version Original release date Latest patch version Latest patch release date Support phase End of support
8.x 2024-08-12 8.0.0 2024-08-12 Active TBD
7.x 2016-08-22 7.21.3 2024-06-03 Active TBD
6.x 2013-12-09 6.19.0 2017-11-14 Maintenance Mode 2025-07-15
5.x 2012-11-07 5.8.5 2021-11-12 Maintenace Mode TBD

OData.NET 8.x

OData.NET 8 is the current major release of the OData.NET libraries, including Microsoft.OData.Core 8, Microsoft.OData.Edm 8, Microsoft.Spatial 8 and Microsoft.OData.Client 8. These libraries will only support .NET 8 and later.

OData.NET 8 will support the following OData protocal versions:

  • OData version 4.0
  • OData version 4.01

OData.NET 7.x

OData.NET 7.x refers to 7.x versions of OData.NET libraries.

The libraries are actively supported but will enter maintenance mode 6 months after the OData.NET 8 release.

OData.NET 7 supports the following .NET versions:

  • .NET Core 3.1 and later
  • .NET Standard 1.1 and later
  • .NET Framework 4.5 and later

OData.NET 7 supports the following OData protocol versions:

  • OData version 4.0
  • OData version 4.01

OData.NET 6.x

OData.NET 6.x refers to 6.x versions of OData.NET libraries.

The library is currently in maintenance mode and will go out of support on July 15, 2025.

OData.NET 6 supports OData protocol version 4.0.

OData.NET 5.x

OData.NET 5.x refers to 5.x versions of the following libraries:

  • Microsoft.Data.OData
  • Microsoft.Data.Edm
  • System.Spatial
  • Microsoft.Data.Services.Client
  • Microsoft.Data.Services

The libraries are currently in maintenance mode. There are no current plans to end support. There will be an official announcements at least 12 months before official support ends.

The libraries support .NET Framework 4.0 and later.

The libraries support OData protocol versions 1 to 3.

AspNetCore OData

This refers to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData library which adds OData integration to ASP.NET Core applications.

Version OData.NET version Original release date Latest patch version Latest patch release date Support phase End of support
9.x 8.x TBD 9.0.0-rc.1 2024-06-05 Preview TBD
8.x 7.x 2021-07-03 8.2.5 2023-03-01 Active TBD
7.x 7.x 2018-06-29 7.7.6 2024-07-12 Active TBD

Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 9.x will be the next major release. This version will only support .NET 8 and later and OData.NET 8 and later.

Microsoft.AspNetCore 8.x is currently actively supported. It supports .NET 5 and later and OData.NET 7.x.

Microsoft.AspNetCore 7.x is currently actively supported but will enter maintenance mode soon. It supports .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 and later. It supports OData.NET 7.x.

AspNet OData

This refers to the Microsoft.AspNet.OData library which adds OData integration to ASP.NET 4.x on .NET Framework.

Version OData.NET version Original release date Latest patch version Latest patch release date Support phase End of support
7.x 7.x 2018-06-29 7.7.6 2024-07-12 Active TBD

Microsoft.AspNet.OData 7.x is currently actively supported but will enter maintenance mode soon. This version supports .NET Framework 4.5 and later. It supports OData.NET 7.x.

OData ModelBuilder

The Microsoft.OData.ModelBuilder library provides APIs that make it easier to create an IEdmModel from CLR (common language runtime) classes.

Version OData.NET version Original release date Latest patch version Latest patch release date Support phase End of support
1.x 7.x and 8.x 2020-09-02 1.0.9 2022-06-10 Active TBD

OData Connected Service

OData Connected Service is a Visual Studio (VS) extension that allows you to generate C# and VB.NET client code for an OData service from an OData CSDL schema. OData Connected Service is distributed via the Visual Studio Marketplace. We support two variants of the extension:

Variant Supported VS editions Version Latest patch version Latest patch release date Support phase End of support
OData Connected Service 2022+ 2022 1.x 1.1.0 2024-06-18 Active TBD
OData Conencted Service 2017, 2019 1.x 1.1.0 2024-06-18 Active TBD


OData CLI is a cross-platform command-line tool for generating C# and VB.NET client code for an OData service based on the CSDL schema.

Version OData.NET version Original release date Latest patch version Latest patch release date Support phase End of support
0.x 7.x and 8.x 2022-03-30 0.3.1 2024-06-19 Active TBD

OData CLI supports .NET 6 and later.