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Customize OData Formatter

Applies To:# OData WebApi v7 for aspnet webapi supported Green circle with a checkmark inside it. OData AspNet WebApi V7# OData Webapi for Webapi supported Green circular checkmark icon to indicate a success. OData AspNet WebApi V6

This page illustrates how to use sensibility points in the ODataFormatter and plugin custom OData serializers/deserializers, gives a sample extends the ODataFormatter to add support of OData instance annotations.

Let's see this sample.

CLR Model

First of all, we create the following CLR classes as our model:

public class Document
        public Document()
        public Document(Document d)
            ID = d.ID;
            Name = d.Name;
            Content = d.Content;
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }
        public double Score { get; set; }

If I search for documents by sending the search query, in the result, I'd like have a score for the match for each document, as the score is dependent on the in coming query, it cannot be modeled as a property on response's document, it should be modeled as an annotation on the document. Let's do that.

Build Edm Model

Now, we can build a pretty simple Edm Model as:

private static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
    ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
    return builder.GetEdmModel();

Customize OData Formatter

A custom entity serializer

This entity serializer is to add the score annotation (org.northwind.search.score) to document entries.

public class AnnotatingEntitySerializer : ODataEntityTypeSerializer
    public AnnotatingEntitySerializer(ODataSerializerProvider serializerProvider)
           : base(serializerProvider)
    public override ODataEntry CreateEntry(SelectExpandNode selectExpandNode, EntityInstanceContext entityInstanceContext)
        ODataEntry entry = base.CreateEntry(selectExpandNode, entityInstanceContext);
        Document document = entityInstanceContext.EntityInstance as Document;
        if (entry != null && document != null)
            // annotate the document with the score.
            entry.InstanceAnnotations.Add(new ODataInstanceAnnotation("org.northwind.search.score", new ODataPrimitiveValue(document.Score)));
        return entry;

A custom serializer provider

This serializer provider is to inject the AnnotationEntitySerializer.

public class CustomODataSerializerProvider : DefaultODataSerializerProvider
    private AnnotatingEntitySerializer _annotatingEntitySerializer;
    public CustomODataSerializerProvider()
        _annotatingEntitySerializer = new AnnotatingEntitySerializer(this);
    public override ODataEdmTypeSerializer GetEdmTypeSerializer(IEdmTypeReference edmType)
        if (edmType.IsEntity())
            return _annotatingEntitySerializer;
        return base.GetEdmTypeSerializer(edmType);

Setup configuration with customized ODataFormatter

Create the formatters with the custom serializer provider and use them in the configuration.

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
    HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
    config.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", GetEdmModel());
    var odataFormatters = ODataMediaTypeFormatters.Create(new CustomODataSerializerProvider(), new DefaultODataDeserializerProvider());
    config.Formatters.InsertRange(0, odataFormatters);

Controller Samples

You should add a score to result documents.

public IEnumerable<Document> GetDocuments(string search)
    var results = FindDocument(search);
    return results.Select(d => new Document(d) { Score = ... });

Request Samples

Add prefer header and send request.

HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, baseAddress + "odata/Documents?search=test");
request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"");
var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;

Response Samples

Annotation is supported in newest night build, 5.6.0-beta1.



The sample has a custom entity type serializer, AnnotatingEntitySerializer, that adds the instance annotation to ODataEntry by overriding the CreateEntry method. It defines a custom ODataSerializerProvider to provide AnnotatingEntitySerializer instead of ODataEntityTypeSerializer. Then creates the OData formatters using this serializer provider and uses those formatters in the configuration.