How To Debug

Applies To:# OData WebApi v7 for aspnet webapi supported Green circle with a checkmark inside it. OData AspNet WebApi V7# OData Webapi for Webapi supported Green circular checkmark icon to indicate a success. OData AspNet WebApi V6

If you want to debug OData Lib, WebAPI, Restier source, open DEBUG -> Options and Settings in VS, configure below things in General tab:

  1. Uncheck Enable Just My Code (Managed only).
  2. Uncheck Enable .NET Framework source stepping.
  3. One can find the source code for particular releases at You can use these source files to properly step through your debugging session.
  4. Make sure Enable Source Link support is checked.

Setup your symbol source in Symbols tab:

  1. Check Microsoft Symbol Servers.
    • For versions of OData below 6.x, use the following
      • Add location: (For preview/public releases in
      • Add location: (For nightly build, and preview releases in
    • For versions of OData 6.x and above, use the following
      • Add location:
      • To check for the existence of the symbols for your particular version, you can run the following command using NuGet.exe: nuget.exe list <namespace> -AllVersion -source (Example: nuget.exe list Microsoft.AspNet.OData -AllVersion -source
  2. Set the cache symbols directory in your, the path should be as short as it can be.

Turn on the CLR first change exception to do a quick debug, open DEBUG -> Exceptions in VS, check the Common Language Runtime Exceptions.