ADO code examples in Microsoft Visual C++
Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013
Use the following code examples to learn how to use the ADO methods, properties, and events when writing in Microsoft Visual C++.
Paste the entire code example, from beginning to end, into your code editor. The example may not run correctly if partial examples are used or if paragraph formatting is lost.
- AddNew method example
- Append and CreateParameter methods example
- AppendChunk and GetChunk methods example
- BeginTrans, CommitTrans, and RollbackTrans methods example
- Cancel method example
- Clone method example
- CompareBookmarks method example
- Delete method example
- Execute, Requery, and Clear methods example
- Find method example
- GetRows method example
- GetString method example
- MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious methods example
- NextRecordset method example
- Open and Close methods example
- OpenSchema method example
- Refresh method example
- Resync method example
- Save and Open methods example
- Seek method and Index property example
- Supports method example
- Update and CancelUpdate methods example
- UpdateBatch and CancelBatch methods example
- AbsolutePage, PageCount, and PageSize properties example
- AbsolutePosition and CursorLocation properties example
- ActiveCommand property example
- ActiveConnection, CommandText, CommandTimeout, CommandType, Size, and Direction properties example
- ActualSize and DefinedSize properties example
- Attributes and Name properties example
- BOF, EOF, and Bookmark properties example
- CacheSize property example
- ConnectionString, ConnectionTimeout, and State properties example
- Count property example
- CursorType, LockType, and EditMode properties example
- Description, HelpContext, HelpFile, NativeError, Number, Source, and SQLState properties example
- Filter and RecordCount properties example
- Index Property and Seek method example
- IsolationLevel and Mode properties example
- Item property example
- MarshalOptions property example
- MaxRecords property example
- NumericScale and Precision properties example
- Optimize property example
- OriginalValue and UnderlyingValue properties example
- Prepared property example
- Provider and DefaultDatabase properties example
- Sort property example
- Source property example
- State property example
- Status property example
- StayInSync property example
- Type property example (Fields)
- Type property example (Property)
- Value property example
- Version property example