Containers collection (DAO)

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

A Containers collection contains all of the Container objects that are defined in a database.


Each Database object has a Containers collection consisting of built-in Container objects. Some of these Container objects are defined by the Microsoft Access database engine while others may be defined by other applications.


This example enumerates the Containers collection of the Northwind database and the Properties collection of each Container object in the collection.

    Sub ContainerObjectX()
       Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
       Dim ctrLoop As Container
       Dim prpLoop As Property
       Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
       With dbsNorthwind
          ' Enumerate Containers collection.
          For Each ctrLoop In .Containers
             Debug.Print "Properties of " & ctrLoop.Name _
                & " container"
             ' Enumerate Properties collection of each
             ' Container object.
             For Each prpLoop In ctrLoop.Properties
                Debug.Print "  " & prpLoop.Name _
                   & " = " prpLoop
             Next prpLoop
          Next ctrLoop
       End With
    End Sub