Field2.IsComplex property (DAO)
Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013
Returns Boolean that indicates whether the specified field is a multi-valued data type. Read-only.
Version added: Access 2007
expression .IsComplex
expression A variable that represents a Field2 object.
The following example shows how to navigate a Recordset that contains a multi-value field.
Sample code provided by the Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference.
Sub PrintStudentsAndClasses()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rsStudents As DAO.Recordset2 'Recordset for students
Dim rsClasses As DAO.Recordset2 'Recordset for classes
Dim fld As DAO.Field2
'open the database
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
'get the table of students
Set rsStudents = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblStudents")
'loop through the students
Do While Not rsStudents.EOF
'get the classes field
Set fld = rsStudents("Classes")
'get the classes Recordset
'make sure the field is a multi-valued field before
'getting a Recordset object
If fld.IsComplex Then
Set rsClasses = fld.Value
End If
'access all records in the Recordset
If Not (rsClasses.BOF And rsClasses.EOF) Then
End If
'print the student and number of classes
Debug.Print rsStudents("FirstName") & " " & rsStudents("LastName"), _
"Number of classes: " & rsClasses.RecordCount
'print the classes for this student
Do While Not rsClasses.EOF
Debug.Print , rsClasses("Value")
'close the Classes Recordset
'get the next student
Set fld = Nothing
Set rsStudents = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub