
Applies to: Excel 2013 | Office 2013 | Visual Studio

Framework library function that writes a null-terminated byte-string to the active debugger via the Windows SDK function OutputDebugStringA. If the application has no debugger, the system debugger displays the string. If the application has no debugger and the system debugger is not active, debugPrintf does nothing.

This function does not return a value.

void WINAPI debugPrintf(LPSTR lpFormat, arguments);


lpFormat (LPSTR)

The format string, which follows the syntax and rules for that used with the sprintf function.


Zero or more arguments to match the format string.


This function prints a string to show that control was passed to it. The _DEBUG flag must be defined before compiling or else this function does nothing.


short WINAPI debugPrintfExample(void)
#ifdef _DEBUG
   debugPrintf("Made it!\r");
   return 1;

See also

Functions in the Framework Library