Add a Message Service

Applies to: Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016

To add a new message service to a profile and access the new message service

Call IMsgServiceAdmin2::CreateMsgServiceEx. CreateMsgServiceEx performs the following tasks:

  1. Copies all of the relevant information for the message service that is in the MAPISVC.INF file, creating a profile section for every provider section.

  2. Calls the message service's entry point function, MSGSERVICEENTRY, with the ulContext parameter set to MSG_SERVICE_CREATE.

  3. Sets and retrieves the message service's PR_SERVICE_UID (PidTagServiceUid) property.

To access any newly added message service

  1. Call IMsgServiceAdmin::GetMsgServiceTable to retrieve the message service table.

  2. Call the message service table's IMAPITable::Advise method to register for table notifications.

  3. When MAPI sends a TABLE_ROW_ADDED notification, locate the entry identifier of the newly added message service in the SRow structure included in the TABLE_NOTIFICATION structure.