PidLidResponseStatus Canonical Property
Applies to: Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016
Specifies the response status of an attendee.
Property | Value |
Associated properties: |
dispidResponseStatus |
Property set: |
PSETID_Appointment |
Long ID (LID): |
0x00008218 |
Data type: |
Area: |
Meetings |
The response status must be one of the values in the table below.
Response status | Value | Description |
respNone |
0x00000000 |
No response is required for this object. This is the case for appointment objects and meeting response objects. |
respOrganized |
0x00000001 |
This meeting belongs to the organizer. |
respTentative |
0x00000002 |
This value on the attendee's meeting indicates that the attendee has tentatively accepted the meeting request. |
respAccepted |
0x00000003 |
This value on the attendee's meeting t indicates that the attendee has accepted the meeting request. |
respDeclined |
0x00000004 |
This value on the attendee's meeting indicates that the attendee has declined the meeting request. |
respNotResponded |
0x00000005 |
This value on the attendee's meeting indicates the attendee has not yet responded. This value is on the meeting request, meeting update, and meeting cancelation. |
Provides property set definitions and references to related Exchange Server protocol specifications.
Specifies the properties and operations for appointment, meeting request, and response messages.
Provides data type definitions.