Use Exchange Web Services (EWS) from an Outlook add-in

Your Outlook add-in can use Exchange Web Services (EWS) from an environment that runs Exchange Server (on-premises). EWS is a web service that's available on the server that provides the source location for the add-in's UI. This article provides an example that shows how an Outlook add-in can request information from EWS.


Legacy Exchange tokens are deprecated. Starting October 2024, legacy Exchange user identity and callback tokens will begin to be turned off for Exchange Online tenants. For the timeline and details, see our FAQ page. This is part of Microsoft's Secure Future Initiative, which gives organizations the tools needed to respond to the current threat landscape. Exchange user identity tokens will still work for Exchange on-premises. Nested app authentication is the recommended approach for tokens going forward.

The way you call a web service varies based on where the web service is located. The following tables list the different ways you can call a web service based on location.

Web service location Way to call the web service
The Exchange server that hosts the client mailbox Use the mailbox.makeEwsRequestAsync method to call EWS operations that add-ins support. The Exchange server that hosts the mailbox also exposes EWS.
The web server that provides the source location for the add-in UI Call the web service by using standard JavaScript techniques. The JavaScript code in the UI frame runs in the context of the web server that provides the UI. Therefore, it can call web services on that server without causing a cross-site scripting error.
All other locations Create a proxy for the web service on the web server that provides the source location for the UI. If you don't provide a proxy, cross-site scripting errors will prevent your add-in from running. One way to provide a proxy is by using JSON/P. For more information, see Privacy and security for Office Add-ins.

Using the makeEwsRequestAsync method to access EWS operations


EWS calls and operations aren't supported in add-ins running in Outlook on Android and on iOS.

You can use the mailbox.makeEwsRequestAsync method to make an EWS request to the on-premises Exchange server that hosts the user's mailbox.

EWS supports different operations on an Exchange server; for example, item-level operations to copy, find, update, or send an item, and folder-level operations to create, get, or update a folder. To perform an EWS operation, create an XML SOAP request for that operation. When the operation finishes, you get an XML SOAP response that contains data that's relevant to the operation. EWS SOAP requests and responses follow the schema defined in the Messages.xsd file. Like other EWS schema files, the Message.xsd file is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts EWS.

To use the makeEwsRequestAsync method to initiate an EWS operation, provide the following:

  • The XML for the SOAP request for that EWS operation as an argument to the data parameter.

  • A callback function (as the callback argument).

  • Any optional input data for that callback function (as the userContext argument).

When the EWS SOAP request is complete, Outlook calls the callback function with one argument, which is an AsyncResult object. The callback function can access two properties of the AsyncResult object: the value property, which contains the XML SOAP response of the EWS operation, and optionally, the asyncContext property, which contains any data passed as the userContext parameter. Typically, the callback function then parses the XML in the SOAP response to get any relevant information and processes that information accordingly.

Tips for parsing EWS responses

When parsing a SOAP response from an EWS operation, note the following browser-dependent issues.

  • Specify the prefix for a tag name when using the DOM method getElementsByTagName to include support for Internet Explorer and the Trident webview.

    getElementsByTagName behaves differently depending on browser type. For example, an EWS response can contain the following XML (formatted and abbreviated for display purposes).

    <t:ExtendedProperty><t:ExtendedFieldURI PropertySetId="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" 

    Code, as in the following, would work on a browser like Chrome to get the XML enclosed by the ExtendedProperty tags.

    const mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
    mailbox.makeEwsRequestAsync(mailbox.item.itemId, (result) => {
         const response = $.parseXML(result.value);
         const extendedProps = response.getElementsByTagName("ExtendedProperty")

    For the Trident (Internet Explorer) webview, you must include the t: prefix of the tag name, as follows.

    const mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
    mailbox.makeEwsRequestAsync(mailbox.item.itemId, (result) => {
         const response = $.parseXML(result.value);
         const extendedProps = response.getElementsByTagName("t:ExtendedProperty")
  • Use the DOM property textContent to get the contents of a tag in an EWS response, as follows.

    content = $.parseJSON(value.textContent);

    Other properties such as innerHTML may not work on the Trident (Internet Explorer) webview for some tags in an EWS response.


The following example calls makeEwsRequestAsync to use the GetItem operation to get the subject of an item. This example includes the following three functions.

  • getSubjectRequest – Takes an item ID as input, and returns the XML for the SOAP request to call GetItem for the specified item.

  • sendRequest – Calls getSubjectRequest to get the SOAP request for the selected item, then passes the SOAP request and the callback function, callback, to makeEwsRequestAsync to get the subject of the specified item.

  • callback – Processes the SOAP response, which includes any subject and other information about the specified item.

function getSubjectRequest(id) {
   // Return a GetItem operation request for the subject of the specified item. 
   const result = 
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
    '<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""' +
    '               xmlns:xsd=""' +
    '               xmlns:soap=""' +
    '               xmlns:t="">' +
    '  <soap:Header>' +
    '    <RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2013" xmlns="" soap:mustUnderstand="0" />' +
    '  </soap:Header>' +
    '  <soap:Body>' +
    '    <GetItem xmlns="">' +
    '      <ItemShape>' +
    '        <t:BaseShape>IdOnly</t:BaseShape>' +
    '        <t:AdditionalProperties>' +
    '            <t:FieldURI FieldURI="item:Subject"/>' +
    '        </t:AdditionalProperties>' +
    '      </ItemShape>' +
    '      <ItemIds><t:ItemId Id="' + id + '"/></ItemIds>' +
    '    </GetItem>' +
    '  </soap:Body>' +

   return result;

function sendRequest() {
   // Create a local variable that contains the mailbox.
   const mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;

   mailbox.makeEwsRequestAsync(getSubjectRequest(mailbox.item.itemId), callback);

function callback(asyncResult)  {
   const result = asyncResult.value;
   const context = asyncResult.context;

   // Process the returned response here.

EWS operations that add-ins support

Outlook add-ins can access a subset of operations that are available in EWS via the makeEwsRequestAsync method. If you're unfamiliar with EWS operations and how to use the makeEwsRequestAsync method to access an operation, start with a SOAP request example to customize your data argument.

The following describes how you can use the makeEwsRequestAsync method.

  1. In the XML, substitute any item IDs and relevant EWS operation attributes with appropriate values.

  2. Include the SOAP request as an argument for the data parameter of makeEwsRequestAsync.

  3. Specify a callback function and call makeEwsRequestAsync.

  4. In the callback function, verify the results of the operation in the SOAP response.

  5. Use the results of the EWS operation according to your needs.

The following table lists the EWS operations that add-ins support. To see examples of SOAP requests and responses, choose the link for each operation. For more information about EWS operations, see EWS operations in Exchange.

EWS operation Description
CopyItem operation Copies the specified items and puts the new items in a designated folder in the Exchange store.
CreateFolder operation Creates folders in the specified location in the Exchange store.
CreateItem operation Creates the specified items in the Exchange store.
ExpandDL operation Displays the full membership of distribution lists.
FindConversation operation Enumerates a list of conversations in the specified folder in the Exchange store.
FindFolder operation Finds subfolders of an identified folder and returns a set of properties that describe the set of subfolders.
FindItem operation Identifies items that are located in a specified folder in the Exchange store.
GetConversationItems operation Gets one or more sets of items that are organized in nodes in a conversation.
GetFolder operation Gets the specified properties and contents of folders from the Exchange store.
GetItem operation Gets the specified properties and contents of items from the Exchange store.
GetUserAvailability operation Provides detailed information about the availability of a set of users, rooms, and resources within a specified time period.
MarkAsJunk operation Moves email messages to the Junk Email folder, and adds or removes senders of the messages from the blocked senders list accordingly.
MoveItem operation Moves items to a single destination folder in the Exchange store.
ResolveNames operation Resolves ambiguous email addresses and display names.
SendItem operation Sends email messages that are located in the Exchange store.
UpdateFolder operation Modifies the properties of existing folders in the Exchange store.
UpdateItem operation Modifies the properties of existing items in the Exchange store.


FAI (Folder Associated Information) items can't be updated (or created) from an add-in. These hidden messages are stored in a folder and are used to store a variety of settings and auxiliary data. Attempting to use the UpdateItem operation will throw an ErrorAccessDenied error: "Office extension is not allowed to update this type of item". As an alternative, you may use the EWS Managed API to update these items from a Windows client or a server application. Caution is recommended as internal, service-type data structures are subject to change and could break your solution.

Authentication and permission considerations for makeEwsRequestAsync

When you use the makeEwsRequestAsync method, the request is authenticated by using the email account credentials of the current user. The makeEwsRequestAsync method manages the credentials for you so that you don't have to provide authentication credentials with your request.


The server administrator must use the New-WebServicesVirtualDirectory or the Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cmdlet to set the OAuthAuthentication parameter to true on the Client Access server EWS directory in order to enable the makeEwsRequestAsync method to make EWS requests.

To use the makeEwsRequestAsync method, your add-in must request the read/write mailbox permission in the manifest. The markup varies depending on the type of manifest.

  • Add-in only manifest: Set the <Permissions> element to ReadWriteMailbox.
  • Unified manifest for Microsoft 365: Set the "name" property of an object in the "authorization.permissions.resourceSpecific" array to "Mailbox.ReadWrite.User".

For information about using the read/write mailbox permission, see read/write mailbox permission.

See also

See the following for creating backend services for add-ins using ASP.NET Web API.