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Use Saved property to determine if a workbook has changed


You can determine if changes have been made to a workbook by checking the Saved property of the workbook. The Saved property returns a True or False value depending on whether changes have been made to the workbook.


It is possible to set the Saved property to True or False. The "More Information" section of this article contains sample macros that demonstrate the use of the Saved property.

Various conditions in your worksheet, such as the presence of volatile functions, may affect the Saved property.

More information

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but isn't limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you're familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they won't modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements.

Example 1: Macro to Display Message If Active Workbook Has Unsaved Changes

Sub TestForUnsavedChanges()
    If ActiveWorkbook.Saved = False Then
        MsgBox "This workbook contains unsaved changes."
    End If
End Sub

Example 2: Macro to Close Workbook and Discard Changes

This macro closes the workbook that contains the sample code and discards any changes to the workbook by setting the Saved property to True:

Sub CloseWithoutChanges()
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub

Example 3: Another Macro to Close Workbook and Discard Changes

Sub CloseWithoutChanges()
    ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub


For more information about how to use the sample code in this article, see How to run sample code from Knowledge Base articles in Office 2000.