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Word slows or stops responding if there are excessive tracked changes or comments


Microsoft Word becomes very slow or stops responding if an open document contains excessive tracked changes or comments.


This issue may occur if tracked changes in the document are not periodically accepted or rejected.


To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Close all instances of Word.
  2. Restart Word, and then open a new blank document.
  3. On the Review tab, select All Markup in the Tracking group.
  4. Select Show Markup, and then set Balloons to Show only comments and formatting in balloons.
  5. Use File > Open to open the problematic document.

At this point, Word should be responsive. You can now accept or reject any changes, and remove comments.


Table changes have the biggest performance effect.

More information

For more information about how to accept or reject tracked changes, see Accept or reject tracked changes in Word.