Excel Custom Patterns

This topic describes the custom UI Automation patterns provided in Microsoft Excel for Windows. These patterns can be queried and used from the provider node for a specific Excel worksheet.

For experimentation purposes, we have created special PowerShell scripts in the PowerShell Gallery that exercise each Excel custom pattern. These are called out explicitly with each pattern, or you can search the PowerShell Gallery for CustomPatternClient_Excel to see all of the Excel scripts. These scripts can be run in a PowerShell window against a running instance of Excel on Windows 11 to see what output the custom patterns produce. The scripts are self documented with comment based help.

The main goal of these patterns is to provide sheet information that is not constricted to the visible area of the sheet. Names and ranges are the mode of communication, rather than accessibility objects. For cells, the name as used in these patterns is also available as the UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId.

Operands common to all methods

There are 3 fixed input operands for every custom pattern method call.

Operand Type Description
0 ConnectBoundObject Pattern Object
1 GUID The method Guid
2 Int32 Total number of input and output arguments

Return values

Every method described here returns an HRESULT for the CallExtension to indicate success or failure. A successful operation returns S_OK, and a failed operation will yield UIA_E_INVALIDOPERATON.



Guid: {654823FE-A483-4915-8709-67266866E518}

This is a pattern on a worksheet that collects cells that match certain traits. In all cases, they return a collection of strings that are cell names

PowerShell Script




Guid: {24E137F2-4FFF-4F50-84AD-2ACD780E7E1F}

Returns the names of cells in the worksheet that have formulas

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Cell names


Guid: {B640F40E-E51A-4CDD-9604-843AA5107C1C}

Returns the names of cells that have literal hyperlnks. In other words, cells with a value that is a URL.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Cell names


Guid: {0AAF2B49-015B-4AB3-A093-21F055E8E0F5}

Returns the names of cells that have formula hyperlnks. In other words, cells that use the HYPERLINK function in their formula.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Cell names


Guid: {8F171892-A3B1-4F92-9CE1-CE818B848F52}

Returns the names of cells that have a note or nonthreaded legacy comment associated with them.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Cell names


Guid: {4D4E49BC-CE16-44CD-AC48-1DAA2E862C41}

Returns the names of cells that have threaded comments associated with them.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Cell names



Guid: {62F8DBCE-13DC-4EF2-AF53-5247ED2A4980}

This worksheet pattern collects ranges of cells. These methods return a collection of strings that represent a range of cells. The range can be described by their name (where applicable) and optionally the cell range reference, separated from the name by an input delimiter string.

PowerShell Script




Guid: {3FB8E49A-BB4A-4B6C-8B25-CB7E612DA92E}

Gets the names of list tables and their ranges if requested. The range specifications are separated from the table name by the input delimiter string.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input Boolean Include range specifications
4 Input String Name and range field separator
5 Output StringArray Range names and references if requested


Guid: {B22CD312-E265-49AE-9C73-11CE3D7B8526}

Gets the names of pivot tables and their ranges if requested. The range specifications are separated from the table name by the input delimiter string.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input Boolean Include range specifications
4 Input String Name and range field separator
5 Output StringArray Range names and references if requested


Guid: {EFC59F27-E965-48A5-8C79-7BB9E70958FD}

Gets the named ranges and their range specifications if requested. These are cell ranges that have been named using the name manager, and do not include those that come from tables. The range specifications are separated from the table name by the input delimiter string.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input Boolean Include range specifications
4 Input String Name and range field separator
5 Output StringArray Range names and references if requested


Guid: {60EBB5D1-299D-471D-8DAB-00EE39EBA79E}

Gets ranges of cells with data that are not otherwise part of a named range or table.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Range references


Guid: {2544B784-764D-4EAA-A72F-BABBF28B5504}

Gets single row range references spanning the worksheet's printable area that precede a horizontal page break.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Range references


Guid: {BEA372DC-2FD8-4852-A8BC-2DA34CEA5456}

Gets single column range references spanning the worksheet's printable area that precede a vertical page break.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Range references



Guid: {62F8DBCE-13DC-4EF2-AF53-5247ED2A4980}

This worksheet pattern returns a collection of named objects on the sheet of a specified type.

PowerShell Script




Guid: {6D199DC0-7AF0-43CC-A572-8CF9EE556F75}

Gets the names of charts on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Chart names


Guid: {AF8706FA-6389-4F90-9EF8-F64AED618C4F}

Gets the names of Smart Art diagrams on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Diagram names


Guid: {7D6295DF-E9CC-4B86-BE9F-60BACCB7289D}

Gets the names of slicer objects on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Slicer names


Guid: {F8768BF3-9733-4BD9-9251-507649FF3257}

Gets the names of time slicer objects on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Time slicer names


Guid: {A2807141-BA1F-4088-85A1-4C00F140998C}

Gets the names of picture objects on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Picture names


Guid: {C50C4B9E-2F62-4E47-993D-A961D0C6A03D}

Gets the names of drawing shapes on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Output StringArray Shape names



Guid: {5979E0BC-12AC-4105-B10A-2FD04546E9C2}

This pattern provides the means to select any cell, cell collection or object on the sheet, regardless of the current view state. Cells that are not visible have no accessible element to exercise a selection item pattern on, so this pattern allows selection by cell name. The cell name is also the AutomationID property if wanting to return to a previously visited cell. This method also allows specifying a range of cells to select of the form :. Objects can also be selected by their name as returned by ISheetObjectInventory.

PowerShell Script




Guid: {BB66F5D4-795E-4B6E-9D62-F14804FC240C}

Selects and makes visible a cell or range of cells on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input String Cell name, range reference or range name


Guid: {E36D84D6-B003-47D2-9AC2-9A1B8BA6EB62}

Selects and makes visible an object on the sheet.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input String Object name



Guid: {238037C4-BBA3-4C0E-9371-66046B81E957}

This pattern is used when wanting to retrieve the current value of a given cell on the sheet, Whether it is visible or not. The cell is represented by name. The output is a string with the current cell value.

PowerShell Script




Guid: {4C6CA843-D4F0-4CB6-B1AF-EF8DADEE9B2C}

Gets the current value of the cell.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input String Cell name
4 Output String Current value of the cell


Microsoft 365 Version 2107 (Build 14326.xxxxx)

See also


Custom Properties, Events, and Control Patterns

Implementing Custom Control Patterns

Excel Custom Pattern Client Scripts