Excel Custom Properties

This topic describes the custom properties of Microsoft UI Automation elements provided by Excel.

Name/GUID Description
Specifies whether sheet gridlines are on for the element.
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Specifies the cell formula for the element.
Variant type: VT_BSTR
Default value: empty string
Specifies the cell number format for the element.
Variant type: VT_BSTR
Default value: empty string
Specifies the comment reply count for the annotation.
Variant type: VT_I4
Default value: 0
Specifies the data validation prompt for the element.
Variant type: VT_BSTR
Default value: empty string
Specifies whether there is conditional formatting for the element.
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Specifies whether there is data validation for the element.
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Specifies whether there is a data validation dropdown for the element.
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Specifies the number of rows in a table, including any hidden rows. The grid row count on a table indicates the number of non-hidden rows.
Variant type: VT_I4
Default value: 0
Specifies the number of columns in a table, including any hidden columns. The grid column count on a table indicates the number of non-hidden columns.
Variant type: VT_I4
Default value: 0
Specifies the row position of a table cell relative to the set of all rows in a table, including any hidden rows. The grid item row table item is the row relative to the set of non-hidden rows.
Variant type: VT_I4
Default value: 0
Specifies the column position of a table cell relative to the set of all columns in a table, including any hidden columns. The grid item column on a table item is the column relative to the set of non-hidden columns.
Variant type: VT_I4
Default value: 0
Specifies whether an element is within a filtered range.
Minimum version 2302 (build 16130.xxxxx)
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Specifies whether there is a filter dropdown for the element.
Minimum version 2302 (build 16130.xxxxx)
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Indicates the cell formula is stale.
Minimum version 2307 (build 16626.xxxxx)
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Indicates the cell contains a python formula.
Minimum version 2307 (build 16626.xxxxx)
Variant type: VT_BOOL
Default value: FALSE


Microsoft 365 Version 2102 (Build 13729.xxxxx)

See also

UI Automation Properties Overview

Retrieving Properties from UI Automation Elements

Custom Properties, Events, and Control Patterns