Parameter (Visual C++ syntax index with #import)

Applies to: Access 2013 | Access 2016


HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthappchunk_HV10294090.xml( const _variant_t & Val ); 


long GetAttributes( ); 
void PutAttributes( long plParmAttribs ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetAttributes,put=PutAttributes)) long 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproattributes_HV10294098.xml; 
enum ParameterDirectionEnum GetDirection( ); 
void PutDirection( enum ParameterDirectionEnum plParmDirection ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetDirection,put=PutDirection)) enum 
 ParameterDirectionEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprodirection_HV10294320.xml; 
_bstr_t GetName( ); 
void PutName( _bstr_t pbstr ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName)) _bstr_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproname_HV10294535.xml; 
unsigned char GetNumericScale( ); 
void PutNumericScale( unsigned char pbScale ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetNumericScale,put=PutNumericScale)) unsigned 
 char Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdpronumericscale_HV10294551.xml; 
unsigned char GetPrecision( ); 
void PutPrecision( unsigned char pbPrecision ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetPrecision,put=PutPrecision)) unsigned char 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproprecision_HV10294615.xml; 
long GetSize( ); 
void PutSize( long pl ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize)) long Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprosize_HV10294779.xml; 
enum DataTypeEnum GetType( ); 
void PutType( enum DataTypeEnum psDataType ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType)) enum DataTypeEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprotype_HV10294866.xml; 
_variant_t GetValue( ); 
void PutValue( const _variant_t & pvar ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue)) _variant_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprovalue_HV10294920.xml; 

See also

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