Recordset (Visual C++ syntax index with #import)

Applies to: Access 2013 | Access 2016


HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthaddnew_HV10294007.xml( const _variant_t & FieldList  = vtMissing, 
 const _variant_t & Values  =vtMissing); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthadocancel_HV10294125.xml( ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthcancelbatch_HV10294131.xml( enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthcancelupdate_HV10294132.xml( ); 
_RecordsetPtr Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthclone_HV10294166.xml( enum LockTypeEnum LockType ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthclose_HV10294173.xml( ); 
enum CompareEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthcomparebookmarks_HV10294199.xml( const _variant_t 
 & Bookmark1 , const _variant_t & Bookmark2  ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthrstdelete_HV10294295.xml( enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthfindmethodado_HV10294381.xml( _bstr_t Criteria , long SkipRecords , enum 
 SearchDirectionEnum SearchDirection , const _variant_t & Start  = 
 vtMissing ); 
_variant_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthgetrows_HV10294398.xml( long Rows , const _variant_t & Start  = 
 vtMissing, const _variant_t & Fields  = vtMissing ); 
_bstr_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthgetstringmethod_recordset_ado_HV10294404.xml( enum 
 StringFormatEnum StringFormat , long NumRows , _bstr_t 
 ColumnDelimeter , _bstr_t RowDelimeter , _bstr_t NullExpr ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthmove_HV10294521.xml( long NumRecords , const _variant_t & Start  = vtMissing); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthmovefirst_HV10294526.xml( ); 
HRESULT MoveLast( ); 
HRESULT MoveNext( ); 
HRESULT MovePrevious( ); 
_RecordsetPtr Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthnextrec_HV10294541.xml( VARIANT * RecordsAffected ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthrstopen_HV10294566.xml( const _variant_t & Source , const _variant_t & 
 ActiveConnection , enum CursorTypeEnum CursorType , enum LockTypeEnum 
 LockType , long Options ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthadorequery_HV10294728.xml( long Options ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthupdate_HV10294888.xml( const _variant_t & Fields  = vtMissing, const 
 _variant_t & Values  =vtMissing); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthupdatebatch_HV10294893.xml( enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthadoresync_HV10294735.xml( enum AffectEnum AffectRecords , enum 
 ResyncEnum ResyncValues  ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthrstsave_HV10294750.xml( const _variant_t & Destination , enum 
 PersistFormatEnum PersistFormat  ); 
HRESULT Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthseek_HV10294763.xml( const _variant_t & KeyValues, enum SeekEnumSeekOption ); 
VARIANT_BOOL Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthsupports_HV10294844.xml( enum CursorOptionEnum CursorOptions ); 


enum PositionEnum GetAbsolutePage( ); 
void PutAbsolutePage( enum PositionEnum pl ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetAbsolutePage,put=PutAbsolutePage)) enum 
 PositionEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproabpage_HV10293970.xml; 
enum PositionEnum GetAbsolutePosition( ); 
void PutAbsolutePosition( enum PositionEnum pl ); 
 enum PositionEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproabpos_HV10293979.xml; 
IDispatchPtr GetActiveCommand( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetActiveCommand)) IDispatchPtr Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproactivecommand_HV10293982.xml; 
void Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproactivecon_HV10293988.xml( IDispatch * pvar ); 
void PutActiveConnection( const _variant_t & pvar ); 
_variant_t GetActiveConnection( ); 
enum CursorLocationEnum GetCursorLocation( ); 
void PutCursorLocation( enum CursorLocationEnum plCursorLoc ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCursorLocation,put=PutCursorLocation)) enum 
 CursorLocationEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprocursorlocation_HV10294254.xml; 
__declspec(property(get=GetBOF)) VARIANT_BOOL Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprobof_HV10294113.xml; 
VARIANT_BOOL GetEndOfFile( ); // Actually, GetEOF. Renamed in #import. 
__declspec(property(get=GetEndOfFile)) VARIANT_BOOL Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprobof_HV10294113.xml; 
_variant_t GetBookmark( ); 
void PutBookmark( const _variant_t & pvBookmark ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetBookmark,put=PutBookmark)) _variant_t 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprobookmark_HV10294117.xml; 
long GetCacheSize( ); 
void PutCacheSize( long pl ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCacheSize,put=PutCacheSize)) long 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprocachesize_HV10294119.xml; 
enum CursorTypeEnum GetCursorType( ); 
void PutCursorType( enum CursorTypeEnum plCursorType ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetCursorType,put=PutCursorType)) enum 
 CursorTypeEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprocursortype_HV10294257.xml; 
_bstr_t GetDataMember( ); 
void PutDataMember( _bstr_t pbstrDataMember ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetDataMember,put=PutDataMember)) _bstr_t 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprodatamember_HV10294276.xml; 
IUnknownPtr GetDataSource( ); 
void PutRefDataSource( IUnknown * ppunkDataSource ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetDataSource,put=PutRefDataSource)) IUnknownPtr 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprodatasource_HV10294277.xml; 
enum EditModeEnum GetEditMode( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetEditMode)) enum EditModeEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproeditmode_HV10294326.xml; 
FieldsPtr GetFields( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetFields)) FieldsPtr Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdcolfields_HV10294366.xml; 
_variant_t GetFilter( ); 
void PutFilter( const _variant_t & Criteria ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetFilter,put=PutFilter)) _variant_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprofilter_HV10294373.xml; 
_bstr_t GetIndex( ); 
void PutIndex( _bstr_t pbstrIndex ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetIndex,put=PutIndex)) _bstr_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproindex_HV10294437.xml; 
enum LockTypeEnum GetLockType( ); 
void PutLockType( enum LockTypeEnum plLockType ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetLockType,put=PutLockType)) enum LockTypeEnum 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprolocktype_HV10294487.xml; 
enum MarshalOptionsEnum GetMarshalOptions( ); 
void PutMarshalOptions( enum MarshalOptionsEnum peMarshal ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetMarshalOptions,put=PutMarshalOptions)) enum 
 MarshalOptionsEnum Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdpromarshaloptions_HV10294491.xml; 
long GetMaxRecords( ); 
void PutMaxRecords( long plMaxRecords ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetMaxRecords,put=PutMaxRecords)) long 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdpromaxrecords_HV10294496.xml; 
long GetPageCount( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetPageCount)) long Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdpropagecount_HV10294585.xml; 
long GetPageSize( ); 
void PutPageSize( long pl ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetPageSize,put=PutPageSize)) long Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdpropagesize_HV10294586.xml; 
long GetRecordCount( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetRecordCount)) long Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprorecordcount_HV10294700.xml; 
_bstr_t GetSort( ); 
void PutSort( _bstr_t Criteria ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetSort,put=PutSort)) _bstr_t Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprosortpropertyado_HV10294782.xml; 
void Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprorstsource_HV10294794.xml( IDispatch * pvSource ); 
void PutSource( _bstr_t pvSource ); 
_variant_t GetSource( ); 
long GetState( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetState)) long Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprostate_HV10294804.xml; 
long GetStatus( ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetStatus)) long Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprostatus_HV10294810.xml; 
VARIANT_BOOL GetStayInSync( ); 
void PutStayInSync( VARIANT_BOOL pbStayInSync ); 
__declspec(property(get=GetStayInSync,put=PutStayInSync)) VARIANT_BOOL 
 Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprostayinsync_HV10294815.xml; 

See also

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