ToggleButton.Shadow property (Access)

Gets or sets the shadow effect applied to the specified object. Read/write Long.



expression A variable that represents a ToggleButton object.


The Shadow property uses one of the values listed in the following table.

Value Effect
0 Default) None
1 Offset Diagonal Bottom Right
2 Offset Bottom
3 Offset Diagonal Bottom Left
4 Offset Right
5 Offset Center
6 Offset Left
7 Offset Diagonal Top Right
8 Offset Top
9 Offset Diagonal Top Left
10 Inside Diagonal Top Left
11 Inside Top
12 Inside Diagonal Top Right
13 Inside Left
14 Inside Center
15 Inside Right
16 Inside Diagonal Bottom Left
17 Inside Bottom
18 Inside Diagonal Bottom Right
19 Perspective Diagonal Upper Left
20 Perspective Diagonal Upper Right
21 Below
22 Perspective Diagonal Lower Left
23 Perspective Diagonal Lower Right

To see the available shadow effects and apply a shadow through the user interface, first open the form or report in Layout view or Design view by right-clicking the form or report in the navigation pane, and then choosing the view that you want.

Next, choose the object to which you want to apply a shadow effect. Next, on the Format tab, in the Control Formatting group, choose Shape Effects > Shadow, and then choose a shadow effect.

Notice that the shadow effects are indexed from left to right, and then from top to bottom. The first item, under No Shadow, has the value 0. Under Outer, the first row contains shadow effects with values from 1 to 3, the second row from 4 to 6, and so on.

This property is not surfaced in the property sheet.

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