Hyperlink.EmailSubject property (Access)

Use the EmailSubject property to specify or return the email subject line of a hyperlink to an object, document, webpage, or other destination for a command button, image control, or label control. Read/write String.



expression A variable that represents a Hyperlink object.


When you move the cursor over a command button, image control, or label control whose HyperlinkAddress property is set, the cursor changes to an upward-pointing hand. Choosing the control displays the object or webpage specified by the link.

To open objects in the current database, leave the HyperlinkAddress property blank and specify the object type and object name that you want to open in the HyperlinkSubAddress property by using the syntax objecttype objectname. If you want to open an object contained in another Microsoft Access database, enter the database path and file name in the HyperlinkAddress property and specify the database object to open by using the HyperlinkSubAddress property.

The HyperlinkAddress property can contain an absolute or a relative path to a target document. An absolute path is a fully qualified URL or UNC path to a document. A relative path is a path related to the base path specified in the Hyperlink Base setting in the DatabaseName Properties dialog box (available by choosing Database Properties on the File menu) or to the current database path. If Access can't resolve the HyperlinkAddress property setting to a valid URL or UNC path, it will assume that you've specified a path relative to the base path contained in the Hyperlink Base setting or the current database path.


When you follow a hyperlink to another Access database object, the database Startup properties are applied. For example, if the destination database has a Display form set, that form is displayed when the database opens.


When you create a hyperlink by using the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Access automatically sets the EmailSubject property to the location specified in the Subject box of the E-Mail Address tab.

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