NavigationButton.HelpContextId property (Access)

The HelpContextID property specifies the context ID of a topic in the custom Help file specified by the HelpFile property setting. Read/write Long.



expression A variable that represents a NavigationButton object.



If you enter the context ID of the Help file topic as a positive number, the Help topic displays in a "full" Help topic window. If you add a minus sign ("-") in front of the context ID, the Help topic displays in a "pop-up" window. It's important to note that the context ID does not have to have a negative number when authored in Microsoft Help Workshop. You must add the minus sign when setting the property to make the topic display in the pop-up window.

You can create a custom Help file to document forms, reports, or applications that you create with Microsoft Access.

When you press the F1 key in Form view, Access calls the Microsoft Help Workshop or Microsoft HTML Help Workshop application, loads the custom Help file specified by the HelpFile property setting for the form or report, and displays the Help topic specified by the HelpContextID property setting.

If a control's HelpContextID property setting is 0 (the default), Access uses the form's HelpContextID and HelpFile properties to identify the Help topic to display. If you press F1 in a view other than Form view, or if the HelpContextID property setting for both the form and the control is 0, an Access Help topic is displayed.

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