Report.PictureSizeMode property (Access)

Use the PictureSizeMode property to specify how a picture for a form or report is sized. Read/write Byte.



expression A variable that represents a Report object.


The PictureSizeMode property uses the following settings.

Setting Visual Basic Description
Clip 0 (Default) The picture is displayed in its actual size. If the picture is larger than the form or report, the picture is clipped.
Stretch 1 The picture is stretched horizontally and vertically to fill the entire form, even if its original ratio of height to width is distorted.
Zoom 3 The picture is enlarged to the maximum extent possible while keeping its original ratio of height to width.
Stretch Horizontal 4 The picture is stretched horizontally to fit the width of the form.
Stretch Vertical 5 The picture is stretched vertically to fit the height of the form.

When a small picture is used for the Picture property of a form or report, setting the PictureSizeMode property to Stretch or Zoom can cause substantial distortion of its resolution. Smaller pictures can be tiled across the entire form or report by using the PictureTiling property.


The following example sets the background picture of the Order Entry form to "Contacts.gif", and stretches the picture to fit the entire form's background.

With Forms("Order Entry") 
 .Picture = "C:\Picture Files\Contacts.gif" 
 .PictureSizeMode = 1 
End With

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