AboveAverage object (Excel)

Represents an above average visual of a conditional formatting rule. Applies a color or fill to a range or selection to help you see the value of a cell relative to other cells.


All conditional formatting objects are contained within a FormatConditions collection object, which is a child of a Range collection.

You can create an above average formatting rule by using either the Add or AddAboveAverage method of the FormatConditions collection.


The following example builds a dynamic data set and applies color to the above average values through conditional formatting rules.

Sub AboveAverageCF() 
' Building data for Melanie 
 Range("A1").Value = "Name" 
 Range("B1").Value = "Number" 
 Range("A2").Value = "Melanie-1" 
 Range("A2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("A2:A26"), Type:=xlFillDefault 
 Range("B2:B26").FormulaArray = "=INT(RAND()*101)" 
' Applying Conditional Formatting to items above the average. Should appear green fill and dark green font. 
 Selection.FormatConditions(1).AboveBelow = xlAboveAverage 
 With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font 
 .Color = -16752384 
 .TintAndShade = 0 
 End With 
 With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior 
 .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic 
 .Color = 13561798 
 .TintAndShade = 0 
 End With 
MsgBox "Added an Above Average Conditional Format to Melanie's data. Press F9 to update values.", vbInformation 
End Sub



See also

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