Constants enumeration (Excel)
This enumeration groups together constants used with various Excel methods.
Name | Value | Description |
xl3DBar | -4099 | 3D Bar |
xl3DEffects1 | 13 | 3D Effects1 |
xl3DEffects2 | 14 | 3D Effects2 |
xl3DSurface | -4103 | 3D Surface |
xlAbove | 0 | Above |
xlAccounting1 | 4 | Accounting1 |
xlAccounting2 | 5 | Accounting2 |
xlAccounting4 | 17 | Accounting4 |
xlAdd | 2 | Add |
xlAll | -4104 | All |
xlAccounting3 | 6 | Accounting3 |
xlAllExceptBorders | 7 | All Except Borders |
xlAutomatic | -4105 | Automatic |
xlBar | 2 | Automatic |
xlBelow | 1 | Below |
xlBidi | -5000 | Bidi |
xlBidiCalendar | 3 | BidiCalendar |
xlBoth | 1 | Both |
xlBottom | -4107 | Bottom |
xlCascade | 7 | Cascade |
xlCenter | -4108 | Center |
xlCenterAcrossSelection | 7 | Center Across Selection |
xlChart4 | 2 | Chart 4 |
xlChartSeries | 17 | Chart Series |
xlChartShort | 6 | Chart Short |
xlChartTitles | 18 | Chart Titles |
xlChecker | 9 | Checker |
xlCircle | 8 | Circle |
xlClassic1 | 1 | Classic1 |
xlClassic2 | 2 | Classic2 |
xlClassic3 | 3 | Classic3 |
xlClosed | 3 | Closed |
xlColor1 | 7 | Color1 |
xlColor2 | 8 | Color2 |
xlColor3 | 9 | Color3 |
xlColumn | 3 | Column |
xlCombination | -4111 | Combination |
xlComplete | 4 | Complete |
xlConstants | 2 | Constants |
xlContents | 2 | Contents |
xlContext | -5002 | Context |
xlCorner | 2 | Corner |
xlCrissCross | 16 | CrissCross |
xlCross | 4 | Cross |
xlCustom | -4114 | Custom |
xlDebugCodePane | 13 | Debug Code Pane |
xlDefaultAutoFormat | -1 | Default Auto Format |
xlDesktop | 9 | Desktop |
xlDiamond | 2 | Diamond |
xlDirect | 1 | Direct |
xlDistributed | -4117 | Distributed |
xlDivide | 5 | Divide |
xlDoubleAccounting | 5 | Double Accounting |
xlDoubleClosed | 5 | Double Closed |
xlDoubleOpen | 4 | Double Open |
xlDoubleQuote | 1 | Double Quote |
xlDrawingObject | 14 | Drawing Object |
xlEntireChart | 20 | Entire Chart |
xlExcelMenus | 1 | Excel Menus |
xlExtended | 3 | Extended |
xlFill | 5 | Fill |
xlFirst | 0 | First |
xlFixedValue | 1 | Fixed Value |
xlFloating | 5 | Floating |
xlFormats | -4122 | Formats |
xlFormula | 5 | Formula |
xlFullScript | 1 | Full Script |
xlGeneral | 1 | General |
xlGray16 | 17 | Gray16 |
xlGray25 | -4124 | Gray25 |
xlGray50 | -4125 | Gray50 |
xlGray75 | -4126 | Gray75 |
xlGray8 | 18 | Gray8 |
xlGregorian | 2 | Gregorian |
xlGrid | 15 | Grid |
xlGridline | 22 | Gridline |
xlHigh | -4127 | High |
xlHindiNumerals | 3 | Hindi Numerals |
xlIcons | 1 | Icons |
xlImmediatePane | 12 | Immediate Pane |
xlInside | 2 | Inside |
xlInteger | 2 | Integer |
xlJustify | -4130 | Justify |
xlLast | 1 | Last |
xlLastCell | 11 | Last Cell |
xlLatin | -5001 | Latin |
xlLeft | -4131 | Left |
xlLeftToRight | 2 | Left To Right |
xlLightDown | 13 | Light Down |
xlLightHorizontal | 11 | Light Horizontal |
xlLightUp | 14 | Light Up |
xlLightVertical | 12 | Light Vertical |
xlList1 | 10 | List1 |
xlList2 | 11 | List2 |
xlList3 | 12 | List3 |
xlLocalFormat1 | 15 | Local Format1 |
xlLocalFormat2 | 16 | Local Format2 |
xlLogicalCursor | 1 | Logical Cursor |
xlLong | 3 | Long |
xlLotusHelp | 2 | Lotus Help |
xlLow | -4134 | Low |
xlLTR | -5003 | LTR |
xlMacrosheetCell | 7 | MacrosheetCell |
xlManual | -4135 | Manual |
xlMaximum | 2 | Maximum |
xlMinimum | 4 | Minimum |
xlMinusValues | 3 | Minus Values |
xlMixed | 2 | Mixed |
xlMixedAuthorizedScript | 4 | Mixed Authorized Script |
xlMixedScript | 3 | Mixed Script |
xlModule | -4141 | Module |
xlMultiply | 4 | Multiply |
xlNarrow | 1 | Narrow |
xlNextToAxis | 4 | Next To Axis |
xlNoDocuments | 3 | No Documents |
xlNone | -4142 | None |
xlNotes | -4144 | Notes |
xlOff | -4146 | Off |
xlOn | 1 | On |
xlOpaque | 3 | Opaque |
xlOpen | 2 | Open |
xlOutside | 3 | Outside |
xlPartial | 3 | Partial |
xlPartialScript | 2 | Partial Script |
xlPercent | 2 | Percent |
xlPlus | 9 | Plus |
xlPlusValues | 2 | Plus Values |
xlReference | 4 | Reference |
xlRight | -4152 | Right |
xlRTL | -5004 | RTL |
xlScale | 3 | Scale |
xlSemiautomatic | 2 | Semiautomatic |
xlSemiGray75 | 10 | SemiGray75 |
xlShort | 1 | Short |
xlShowLabel | 4 | Show Label |
xlShowLabelAndPercent | 5 | Show Label and Percent |
xlShowPercent | 3 | Show Percent |
xlShowValue | 2 | Show Value |
xlSimple | -4154 | Simple |
xlSingle | 2 | Single |
xlSingleAccounting | 4 | Single Accounting |
xlSingleQuote | 2 | Single Quote |
xlSolid | 1 | Solid |
xlSquare | 1 | Square |
xlStar | 5 | Star |
xlStError | 4 | St Error |
xlStrict | 2 | Strict |
xlSubtract | 3 | Subtract |
xlSystem | 1 | System |
xlTextBox | 16 | Text Box |
xlTiled | 1 | Tiled |
xlTitleBar | 8 | Title Bar |
xlToolbar | 1 | Toolbar |
xlToolbarButton | 2 | Toolbar Button |
xlTop | -4160 | Top |
xlTopToBottom | 1 | Top To Bottom |
xlTransparent | 2 | Transparent |
xlTriangle | 3 | Triangle |
xlVeryHidden | 2 | Very Hidden |
xlVisible | 12 | Visible |
xlVisualCursor | 2 | Visual Cursor |
xlWatchPane | 11 | Watch Pane |
xlWide | 3 | Wide |
xlWorkbookTab | 6 | Workbook Tab |
xlWorksheet4 | 1 | Worksheet4 |
xlWorksheetCell | 3 | Worksheet Cell |
xlWorksheetShort | 5 | Worksheet Short |
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