Application.GetCacheStatusForProject property (Project)
Gets the state of a specified job that the active cache in Project Professional sends to the Project Server Queue System. Read-only PjCacheJobState.
expression. GetCacheStatusForProject
expression A variable that represents an Application object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data type | Description |
ProjectName | Required | String | The name of the project; can be the active project or a different project that is open. |
ProjectJobType | Required | PjJobType | Can be one of the PjJobType constants for the save, publish, or check-in operation. |
When you use Project Professional to perform an operation that uses one of the queue methods in Project Server, such as saving an update, publishing, or checking in a project, the Project Professional cache sends a job request to the Project Server Queue System. The GetCacheStatusForProject property exposes the status of the queue job.
The TestCacheStatus macro in the following example saves the active project, calls WaitForJob to wait for the queue to finish successfully, and then publishes the project. The WaitForJob macro periodically checks the job state by calling GetCacheStatusForProject and prints the job status to the Immediate window. If it finds the same status more than ten times in succession, the WaitForJob macro assumes there is a problem and exits. The example uses a Sleep method that can be run in either a 64-bit Project installation or a 32-bit Project installation.
Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongLong)
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If
' Save and publish the active project; wait for the queue after each operation.
Sub TestCacheStatus()
Const millisec2Wait = 500 ' Number of milliseconds to sleep between status messages.
If WaitForJob(PjJobType.pjCacheProjectSave, millisec2Wait) Then
Debug.Print "Save completed ..."
If WaitForJob(PjJobType.pjCacheProjectPublish, millisec2Wait) Then
Debug.Print "Publish completed: " & ActiveProject.Name
End If
Debug.Print "Save job not completed"
End If
End Sub
' Check the cache job state for a save, publish, or check-in operation.
Function WaitForJob(job As PjJobType, msWait As Long) As Boolean
' Number of times the same job status is repeated until WaitForJob exits with error.
Const repeatedLimit = 10
Dim jobState As Integer
Dim previousJobState As Integer
Dim bail As Integer
Dim jobType As String
#If Win64 Then
Dim millisec As LongLong
millisec = CLngLng(msWait)
Dim millisec As Long
millisec = msWait
#End If
WaitForJob = True
Select Case job
Case PjJobType.pjCacheProjectSave
jobType = "Save"
Case PjJobType.pjCacheProjectPublish
jobType = "Publish"
Case PjJobType.pjCacheProjectCheckin
jobType = "Checkin"
Case Else
jobType = "unknown"
End Select
bail = 0
If (jobType = "unknown") Then
WaitForJob = False
jobState = Application.GetCacheStatusForProject(ActiveProject.Name, job)
Debug.Print jobType & " job state: " & jobState
' Bail out if something is wrong.
If jobState = previousJobState Then bail = bail + 1
If bail > repeatedLimit Then
WaitForJob = False
Exit Do
End If
previousJobState = jobState
Sleep (msWait)
Loop While Not (jobState = PjCacheJobState.pjCacheJobStateSuccess)
End If
End Function
Following is the output for a wait time of 500 milliseconds between status messages. If the network latency is greater, set the wait time for a longer interval. To find the meaning of output values, see the PjCacheJobState enumeration. For example, the value 4 is the pjCacheJobStateSuccess constant. If you run TestCacheStatus when there are no changes made to the project, the save job state repeats many times as -1, which is the value of the pjCacheJobStateInvalid constant.
Save job state: 4
Save completed ...
Publish job state: -1
Publish job state: 3
Publish job state: 3
Publish job state: 4
Publish completed: WinProj test 1
Property value
See also
PjCacheJobState Enumeration PjJobType Enumeration
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