Font.Bold property (Publisher)

Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant that represents the state of the Bold property on the characters in a text range. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents a Font object.

Return value



The Bold property value can be one of the following MsoTriState constants declared in the Microsoft Office type library.

Constant Description
msoFalse None of the characters in the range are formatted as bold.
msoTriStateMixed A return value indicating that the range contains some text formatted as bold and some text not formatted as bold.
msoTriStateToggle A set value that switches between msoTrue and msoFalse.
msoTrue All characters in the range are formatted as bold.


This example tests all the text in the second story of the active publication, and if it contains both bold text and not bold text, it sets all the text to bold. If the text is all bold or all not bold, a message is displayed informing the user that there is no mixed bolding. For this code to execute properly, there must be two or more stories with text in the active publication.

Sub BoldStory() 
 Dim stf As Publisher.Font 
 Set stf = Application.ActiveDocument.Stories(2).TextRange.Font 
 With stf 
 If .Bold = msoTriStateMixed Then 
 .Bold = msoTrue 
 MsgBox "Mixed bolding is not in this story." 
 End If 
 End With 
End Sub

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