Font.SetScriptName method (Publisher)

Sets the name of the font script to use in a text range.


expression.SetScriptName (Script, FontName)

expression A variable that represents a Font object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Script Required PbFontScriptType The script name. Can be one of the PbFontScriptType constants declared in the Microsoft Publisher type library.
FontName Required String The font name.


This example verifies that the default font script in use for the specified text range is Tahoma, and if not, sets it as the default font script.

Sub GetScript() 
 With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _ 
 If .GetScriptName(Script:=pbFontScriptDefault) <> "Tahoma" Then 
 .SetScriptName Script:=pbFontScriptDefault, _ 
 End If 
 End With 
End Sub

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