MailMergeDataField.Index property (Publisher)

Returns a Long that represents the position of a particular item in a specified collection.



expression A variable that represents a MailMergeDataField object.


The following example loops through the MailMergeDataFields collection and displays the Index and Name properties for each field.

Dim mmfLoop As MailMergeDataField 
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource 
 If .DataFields.Count > 0 Then 
 For Each mmfLoop In .DataFields 
 Debug.Print "Field " & mmfLoop.Name _ 
 & " / Index " & mmfLoop.Index 
 Next mmfLoop 
 Debug.Print "No fields to report." 
 End If 
End With

The following example loops through the Plates collection and displays the Index and Name properties for each plate.

Dim plaLoop As Plate 
If ActiveDocument.Plates.Count > 0 Then 
 For Each plaLoop In ActiveDocument.Plates 
 Debug.Print "Plate " & plaLoop.Name _ 
 & " / Index " & plaLoop.Index 
 Next plaLoop 
 Debug.Print "No plates to report." 
End If

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